Setting your own home page often helps us to work more efficiently every day. This is not a difficult task, it can take even less than a minute. Depending on the browser, it looks slightly different. How to make Google my homepage?
How to make Google my homepage: Mozilla Firefox
To set the start page in the Mozilla Firefox web browser, click on the sign in the form of three parallel bars marked as “menu”, located in the upper right corner of the browser window. The Firefox general settings panel will then open. Then click on “Options”. In the general settings tab, in the “Home page” window, enter the address of the desired page, i.e.
How to make Google my homepage: Google Chrome
In the upper right corner of the browser window for the sign in the form of three gray dots. Then the option window will appear. Click on “Settings”. find the “After launch” category. Select the “Open specific page or set of pages” option and click “Select pages”. Now just paste the full address. It’s best if you open the Google page in a new tab and copy the address. Ready!
To set Google as your default search engine. In the upper right corner, click More and Settings. In the “Search engine” section, next to “Search engine used in the address bar”, click the down arrow. Choose Google as your browser.
How to make Google my homepage: Internet Explorer
Click Tools on the menu bar at the top of the browser window. Then select Internet options. Click the General tab and enter in the ‘Home page’ section. Click OK and restart your browser.
How to make Google my homepage: Opera
The homepage setting in this browser is very similar to the homepage setting in Chrome. In the upper left corner of the browser window click on the Opera icon. Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu. Then in the “After starting the browser” category check the box “Open selected page or set of pages” and enter the address of Google pages.
How to make Google my homepage: Safari
In the upper left corner of the screen select Safari, then Preferences and General. Select Home Page (next to “Open in new windows” and “Open in new tabs”). Near “Home”, enter
How to make Google my homepage: Microsoft Edge
In the upper right corner of the browser, select More and Settings. Scroll down to “Open Microsoft Edge browser from” and then select Specific pages. Open the list and click Custom. Here select “X” next to the current home page. Next to “Enter URL,” enter Google’s address and click plus.
If you can’t set Google as your start page, please reset your homepage. Select the browser above, and then replace Google with the page you want to be your homepage. Also check for unwanted programs. Perhaps they are the problem.